Fish, Hunt & Ride magazine columnist Brian Houle with a nice springtime gobbler.
With next Monday’s kick-off to the province’s wild turkey season, hunters from across the region are gearing-up for another exciting spring. April 25 has become the new standardized date for launch of the coveted annual spring gobbler season. Thanks to reintroduction programs dating back more than three decades, wild turkey populations across the province have exceeded expectations. Yes, the glorious gobbler has evolved into one of the most prolific (and tastiest) game species around, so you had better get used to them. Hunters need be aware that it is illegal to pursue turkeys within 400 meters of bait that has been deposited, unless the location has been bait-free for at one week. Bait is described as corn, wheat, oats or any other feed that may attract wild turkey or any imitation of such feed. Crops stacked in accordance with normal farming practices and grain scattered as a result of normal farming operations, are not considered bait. New this year, turkey hunters are permitted to use shot size #7 along with the standard #4, #5 and #6 size shotgun shot. For more information on Ontario spring turkey hunting along with other changes to the spring season: https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-hunting-regulations-summary
Scribe heading for trout In three short weeks, I depart on my annual trout fishing adventure with my dad and brother-in-laws, so my mind is currently filled with visions of north wood’s serenity and behemoth brookies. It doesn’t really matter how far you travel so long as you bask in Mother Nature’s springtime spectacle. Playing cards and horseshoes, walking the woods, portaging the canoe and scouting backwoods trails are all part of the experience. For all the avid trout anglers out there, here’s to tight lines, bent rods and monster ‘specs’ as far as the eye can see. Remember to catch your limit but also limit your catch. Fish, Hunt and Ride spring issue on the way! Hunters, anglers and off-road enthusiasts await the arrival of everyone’s favourite magazine with baited breath. The spring issue of Fish, Hunt and Ride is just around the corner and, trust me, it’s bigger and better than ever. Now available at over 200 outlets across eastern Ontario and west Quebec, our exciting spring issue features black bear, spring trout, turkey, ATV events, shed antler hunting, Ottawa fly-fishers, Uncle Ted, an informative interview with Canadian country starlet Meghan Patrick and much more. Thanks to everyone who showed-up for the FHR Sportsmen’s Show early this month. It was a huge success and we’re already looking ahead to our next show! For more information on where to find FHR near you, check us out online at http://www.fishhuntandride.ca
Be bear safe While fishing, hunting or camping in bear country this spring, be sure to keep your wits about you. During the trout season I always carry a can of bear spray and though I’ve never used it, it is there at the ready. Statistics show that there are a dozen or so bear attack in North America each year, some of which end in a fatality. Bear spray can be purchased at local hunting and fishing stores and will provide a bit of extra insurance when travelling in bear country.
Sportsmen Bragging Board Have you gone on a recent hunting or fishing trip and taken some great images? I am looking for some of the most original photos, captured in the great outdoors, for a Readers’ Photo Section here in the Pembroke Daily Observer and for FHR mag as well.If you have some neat pics you would like to share with thousands of like-minded individuals, send them by email to: [email protected]. Be sure to send along a caption as well.
Please be extra careful in the woods this year .. there is alot of new turkey hunters who have not taken the course who are allowed to hunt this year ..
Pike and Walleye anyone?