Summer is a fabulous time to play with trail cameras, don’t you think?
Actually, having said that, anytime of year really is a great time for trail cams if you ask me.
I have my Bushnell Trophy cams set-up all year long and enjoy nothing more than that exciting moment when you first review your photos. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, you know that same feeling when you’re inside your ground blind, or perched high in a tree-stand in the fall?
Wide-eyed and anxious because you just never know what image might be on there!
(Anyone who loves trail cams knows what I’m talking about)
Hey, and in Eastern ON or Western QC, you could have shots of wild turkeys, bears, predators and hopefully lots and lots of deer. Sadly, most of the images I get are of the neighbour’s cat, crows, raccoons, and with a smaller percentage of deer, turkeys and foxes.
So I have to sift through a bit of milk before I get to the cream, but that’s ok.
‘Sure-shot Dave’ is another lad who enjoys trail cams; actually security and monitoring also happens to be his business. (You gotta love it when work and play come together in such a nice way)
Here are some of Dave’s recent trail cam images to enjoy (Nice to see the newborn fawn pics):

Here are some of my own trail cam pics taken over the past few weeks:

(This nice-looking 2-year old, we call Rainbow, survived a very large cyst last winter. The growth was on the left side of his haunch; which has all since healed over. Only a patch of skin is left where the hair didn’t grow back)

(This young doe I suspect has a fawn,I just haven’t seen it yet)

(Another young buck coming in for a look)

(Pesky coon inside the feed trough)

(Another doe checking out my Bushnell Trophy XLT. That older model has an element which glows, while the new one I have is completly invisible night and day)
Thanks to McDan for his ‘buck in velvet’ trail cam images. The 3rd image is just awesome:

Let’s just say the following images, sent in by Iggy, show bears being bears in the most natural sense. The amazing thing is to capture the act on film; two days in a row!

Happy trail-caming everyone and thanks for the shots.
Hey, if you have any of your own summer trail cam images, drop my a pm and send them along. I’ll add them to the post.