With moose season drawing to a close, whitetail hunters everywhere are gearing-up for the pursuit of North America’s most sought after big-game animal.
The white-tailed deer rifle season is a special and sentimental time I have enjoyed immensely for the past 36 years. From that first deer season back in 1980 when my dad brought me along to hunt with the men, I was hooked instantly. Of course I lucked out when a big eight-point buck ran right out to me on that first morning. It was an exciting time for a young green-horn hunter and I believe most hunters, young and old, still share this child-like enthusiasm for the deer season. My upcoming hunt at Kenauk Nature is something I now look forward to year after year. The famous Montebello, Que., deer woods is a true hunter’s paradise with its rolling hills, rugged terrain and the most majestic old growth stands of red oak I’ve ever seen. Climbing the peaks each autumn with my hunt gang in pursuit of a whitetail buck is always exciting, and this year is no exception. I have been fortunate to take some truly magnificent whitetail bucks at Kenauk over the years but, as most deer hunters know, it’s not all about the harvest.
Getting out in the crisp, cool fall air with the boys planning out each hunt with a fine-tooth comb is what we live for. Coming together as a team; strategizing and pouring over topographic maps and GPS co-ordinates with hopes of positioning ourselves for a chance at a deer. Many years our best planning does not translate into a sagging game pole and that’s fine with me. The experience is what it’s all about and what an experience it is! For more info on Kenauk Nature: http://kenauk.com/
Fish, Hunt & Ride Fall issue If you have not yet found an issue of everyone’s favourite magazine – Fish, Hunt & Ride, I suggest you find one at our nearly 300 location. The FHR summer edition celebrated Ontario’s reinstatement of the black spring bear hunt with adventures penned by several columnists’ including ‘Uncle’ Ted Nugent. Our fall issue will be bigger and better than ever with scads of hunting, fishing and riding stories, news, tips and tricks.
Fall is ALL about hunting and we really take it to heart in our next edition. Fish, Hunt & Ride would like to welcome a new member of our team: Ashley Rae of SheLovesToFish.com fame. Ashley is a gal who lives and breathes the great outdoors and is as passionate an angler as I’ve ever seen. Be sure to read Ashley’s first column along with great material from other members of our team of experts and specialists. Oh and hey, Old Toothless is celebrating 20 years, read our fall issue for more details. If you have an upcoming hunting, fishing, or ATV event in your area you’d like to mention or advertise, drop us a line. In the meantime check out our website: www.fishhuntandride.ca.
Safety always comes first! Statistics show that firearms-related accidents are rare during the hunting season, however there are other health and safety concerns to be aware of. Perhaps our greatest hazard, apart from falling asleep in the tree stand, would be muscle strain and body fatigue.
For many hunters, deer season can be one of most strenuous activities of the year. After trekking five miles or more up and down the mountains, aches and pains are part of the package and injury a possibility. Simple stretching exercises in the morning can help get the old body loosened up and ready for an enjoyable day in the woods. For those who do a lot of walking like we do, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Waking up at camp in the middle of the night with excruciating leg pain from muscle spasms can be avoided if you don’t let yourself get dehydrated. Trust me on this one. Good luck, happy hunting and be safe out there this fall!