Hunting for outdoor oddities


The moose and deer season brings with it, among other things, plenty of time to stroll the backwoods.

In between animal sightings and enjoying the wild splendour of the Great Outdoors, we often stumble upon things unexpectedly. The woods are a wild and woolly place and often play host to the weird and wacky. 

Hunters travel long hours over hill and dale; covering a lot of ground in the process, so it’s not uncommon to come across things in the woods you wouldn’t expect to find there. 

I call it hunting for outdoor oddities and it provides something to talk about back at camp if nothing else. 

Here are a few of things I’ve come across over the years while out hunting, and I invite you to send in your own oddities list: 

While moose hunting one time near Parent QC, my buddy and I found a string of advertising balloons from a Detroit, Michigan car dealership. I calculated they flew over 1500 miles before landing in the Quebec woods. 

One time in the bush near our hunt camp in the Laurentians, we found a ‘love mattress’ with a bunch of girly magazines lying on it. 

We have, over the years, found several marijuana plantations over the years and one time even ran into the gardener as he was trying to escape. 

One time, we found the remains of what appeared to be a weather balloon stuck in the trees.

A few years back we discovered a pair of stolen ATV’s someone had hidden in the woods covered in brush.

So, now its your turn. Drop us a line with your oddities list!
